How to Reduce Credit Card Fees By Up to 95% in NetSuite

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Picture of Paygration, Inc.

Paygration, Inc.

As businesses scale and their transaction volumes grow, credit card processing fees can significantly impact profitability. For companies using NetSuite, these fees can add up quickly, especially for those relying on credit card payments as a primary revenue stream. However, there’s a strategy that can help you recoup most of those fees—credit card surcharging. This approach allows you to pass on the cost of processing fees to your customers, effectively reducing your expenses and improving your bottom line.

Credit card surcharging is becoming more popular as businesses seek to minimize overhead costs and maximize revenue. While it may sound complex, especially when integrated with a robust system like NetSuite, the right approach can help you reduce your credit card fees by up to 95%. Below, we’ll explain how credit card surcharging works and why it’s the most effective method for cutting down on these fees within your NetSuite environment.

What is Credit Card Surcharging and How Does It Work?

Credit card surcharging allows businesses to pass on the cost of credit card processing fees to customers who choose to pay with a credit card. Instead of absorbing the 2-4% fee typically charged by payment processors, businesses can apply a surcharge, which is an additional fee added to the customer’s total transaction amount. This surcharge covers the processing costs, reducing the financial burden on the business.

The process is straightforward. When a customer opts to pay with a credit card, a surcharge is automatically calculated and added to the total. This amount is clearly communicated to the customer before they complete the transaction. By doing this, businesses can recover nearly all of the processing fees, making it a cost-effective solution for companies that process a large volume of credit card transactions.

How Credit Card Surcharging Reduces Credit Card Fees

Offsetting Processing Costs

One of the primary benefits of credit card surcharging is the ability to offset processing costs. By passing on the fees to the customer, businesses no longer have to absorb these costs. This can result in significant savings, especially for companies with high transaction volumes. By using this method, you can recover up to 95% of your credit card processing fees, directly impacting your bottom line.

Surcharging is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate on slim profit margins. For these companies, every percentage point matters. By incorporating surcharging into your NetSuite system, you can improve profitability without increasing prices across the board.

Explore how NetSuite payment integration benefits large businesses.

Encouraging Alternative Payment Methods

Credit card surcharging can also encourage customers to consider alternative payment methods. When customers see the added fee for using a credit card, they may opt to pay with a debit card, bank transfer, or other methods that do not incur additional costs. This shift can further reduce your processing fees as you steer more customers towards cheaper payment options.

By promoting these alternatives, businesses can diversify their payment methods and reduce their reliance on costly credit card transactions. Over time, this can lead to a more balanced and cost-effective payment strategy.

Improving Cash Flow

Another advantage of credit card surcharging is the positive impact on cash flow. By reducing the amount spent on processing fees, businesses can retain more revenue from each transaction. This improved cash flow can be reinvested into the business, supporting growth initiatives or covering other operational costs.

Additionally, when customers choose alternative payment methods that process more quickly, businesses can access their funds sooner. This faster access to cash can be critical for maintaining liquidity and meeting financial obligations.

Maintaining Competitive Pricing

By implementing credit card surcharging, businesses can maintain competitive pricing without sacrificing profitability. Instead of raising prices to cover processing fees, you can keep your prices stable while recouping the costs through surcharges. This approach allows you to stay competitive in your market while protecting your margins.

In markets where price sensitivity is high, this can be a crucial advantage. Customers may appreciate the transparency of seeing a surcharge rather than facing across-the-board price increases, making them more likely to accept the additional fee.

Increasing Transparency with Customers

Transparency is key to building trust with your customers. By clearly communicating the credit card surcharges upfront, businesses can ensure that customers understand why they are being charged an additional fee. This transparency can lead to better customer relationships, as customers appreciate knowing exactly what they are paying for.

In NetSuite, you can automate this communication by adding clear notifications during the checkout process. This reduces confusion and helps customers make informed decisions about their payment methods.

Compliance with Regulations

Credit card surcharging is regulated at the state level in the U.S., and businesses must comply with these regulations when implementing surcharges. NetSuite’s integration capabilities can help ensure compliance by automatically adjusting surcharge amounts based on the transaction’s location and other factors. This compliance reduces the risk of legal issues and keeps your business aligned with industry standards.

With proper integration, NetSuite can handle the complexities of surcharging compliance, ensuring that you meet all legal requirements without manual intervention.

Reducing the Need for Discounts

Some businesses offer discounts for customers who pay with cash or other low-cost payment methods. While this can reduce credit card fees, it also reduces revenue. Credit card surcharging allows you to keep your pricing consistent while still recouping processing costs. This reduces the need for discounts and preserves your revenue.

By eliminating the need for these discounts, businesses can improve their profit margins while still offering flexibility in payment options. This creates a win-win situation where customers can choose their preferred payment method without impacting the business’s bottom line.

Streamline Credit Card Surcharging with Payment Integration

Payment integration plays a critical role in streamlining credit card surcharging in NetSuite. When integrated properly, your payment processing system can automatically calculate, apply, and track surcharges, reducing the manual workload for your team. This automation ensures accuracy and consistency across all transactions, minimizing errors and improving efficiency.

One of the key benefits of integrating payment systems with NetSuite is the seamless handling of compliance issues. Surcharging regulations vary by state, and staying compliant can be challenging without the right tools. Payment integration allows you to automate compliance checks, ensuring that your surcharges meet all legal requirements based on the transaction’s details. This reduces the risk of fines or legal complications and gives you peace of mind that your surcharging practices are above board.

In addition to compliance, payment integration simplifies the overall management of credit card surcharges. From reporting to reconciliation, having everything within a single system reduces the complexity of your financial processes. This streamlined approach saves time, reduces errors, and allows your team to focus on more strategic tasks, ultimately making your business more efficient.


If you want to significantly reduce credit card fees through surcharging, our experts at Paygration can set up the right payment integration for you, ensuring compliant surcharging within your NetSuite environment. Payment integration not only reduces fees but also streamlines your financial processes, making it easier to manage and track surcharges.

When you contact one of our experts at Paygration, you’ll benefit from a seamless setup that meets all regulatory requirements while enhancing your overall payment strategy. You can get started by calling 866-949-7267 or clicking the link below for a demo. 

NetSuite Payments Integration

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  • Reduce payment processing costs by up to 92%.
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