QuickBooks Enterprise Pick, Pack, and Ship Overview

How To Use Pick, Pack, And Ship In QuickBooks Enterprise
Picture of Pete Real

Pete Real

One of the most requested features in regards to Advanced Inventory has been QuickBooks Enterprise Pick, Pack & Ship.  If you are a company that ships any type of inventory, you are familiar with the functionality and it is most likely a part of your supply chain management process.  It is commonly used by distribution companies that process large batches of products.  The basic flow is to receive the products, sort them for specific destinations, print shipping labels and invoices for each product and then ship them to their respective customers.

A quick side note…The Pick, Pack, and Ship enhancement was first added in QuickBooks Enterprise 19.0 so if you are looking to use this functionality, you will want to make sure that you are at least updated to that version, have the Platinum Edition, and have your Advanced Inventory turned on.  BTW –  I would highly recommend upgrading to the most current version of Enterprise 2021 or later for the most current enhancements.  If you need that download link and the updated product codes for those versions you can contact us at 866.949.7267 and we can get them to you at no charge.

Enjoy the video!

QuickBooks Enterprise Pick, Pack, and Ship Overview

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