Top 10 Businesses that Benefit from Class and Location Tracking in QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced

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Paygration, Inc.

Managing finances across multiple dimensions can be challenging for many businesses. Class and location tracking in QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced offer powerful solutions to address these challenges. By categorizing income and expenses by class and location, businesses can gain deeper insights into their financial performance and make more informed decisions.

Let’s discuss what class and location tracking is and the top 10 types of businesses that can significantly benefit from using this feature of QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced.

What is Class and Location Tracking?

Class and location tracking in QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced enables businesses to categorize transactions for more detailed financial analysis. Classes can represent different segments of the business, such as departments or product lines, while locations can denote physical places or regions. This functionality helps businesses analyze financial data by specific categories, leading to better financial control and strategic planning.

Here are the top 10 businesses that can benefit from class and location tracking.

1. Retail Stores

Retail stores often manage multiple product lines and locations. Class and location tracking enable these businesses to segment financial data by product category and store location, providing insights into which products and locations are most profitable.

By tracking revenue and expenses by class and location, retail stores can optimize inventory management, tailor marketing strategies, and allocate resources more effectively. This granular financial visibility helps retailers maximize profitability and improve operational efficiency.

2. Construction Companies

Construction companies handle multiple projects simultaneously, each with its own budget and expenses. Class and location tracking allow these businesses to track financials by project and job site, ensuring accurate cost management and profitability analysis.

With this level of detail, construction companies can monitor project performance, control costs, and make data-driven decisions about resource allocation. This helps in maintaining project profitability and avoiding budget overruns.

3. Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofits often manage various programs and funding sources. Class and location tracking help these organizations categorize income and expenses by program and funding source, ensuring compliance with grant requirements and providing transparency to stakeholders.

This functionality aids nonprofits in tracking how funds are utilized, preparing detailed financial reports for donors, and demonstrating the impact of their programs. It enhances financial accountability and supports effective resource management.

4. Hospitality Industry

Hotels, resorts, and restaurants can benefit greatly from class and location tracking. These businesses can segment financial data by departments (e.g., room service, dining, events) and locations (e.g., different branches or franchises).

By analyzing financial performance across various departments and locations, hospitality businesses can identify profitable areas, optimize operations, and enhance customer service. This leads to better financial control and strategic growth.

5. Real Estate Agencies

Real estate agencies manage multiple properties and projects. Class and location tracking enable these businesses to categorize transactions by property and location, providing a clear view of the financial performance of each asset.

This detailed financial tracking helps real estate agencies make informed decisions about property investments, rental pricing, and maintenance budgets. It supports efficient property management and maximizes returns on investment.

6. Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers, including clinics and multi-specialty practices, can use class and location tracking to segment financial data by department (e.g., cardiology, pediatrics) and location (e.g., different clinics).

This segmentation helps healthcare providers understand the financial performance of each department and location, enabling better budget allocation, resource management, and strategic planning. It also supports compliance with financial reporting requirements.

7. Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing companies often produce multiple product lines and operate across various locations. Class and location tracking allow these businesses to track costs and revenue by product line and manufacturing site.

This detailed financial tracking helps manufacturers identify cost-saving opportunities, optimize production processes, and enhance profitability. It provides insights into the performance of different product lines and manufacturing locations, supporting strategic decision-making.

8. Professional Services Firms

Professional services firms, such as law firms and consulting agencies, can benefit from class and location tracking by categorizing income and expenses by service line and office location.

This functionality allows these firms to analyze the profitability of different services and locations, enabling better resource allocation and pricing strategies. It helps in identifying high-performing areas and optimizing service delivery.

9. Educational Institutions

Schools, colleges, and training centers can use class and location tracking to segment financial data by departments (e.g., science, arts) and campuses.

This segmentation provides education institutions with insights into the financial performance of each department and campus, supporting effective budget management and resource allocation. It helps in enhancing financial transparency and accountability.

10. E-commerce Businesses

E-commerce businesses manage multiple product categories and may operate in various regions. Class and location tracking allow these businesses to track revenue and expenses by product line and sales region.

This detailed financial analysis helps e-commerce businesses optimize inventory, tailor marketing strategies, and manage regional sales performance. It supports strategic growth and enhances profitability.

Learn how class and location tracking enhances income and expense analysis for businesses.


Class and location tracking in QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced provide invaluable insights for various types of businesses. From retail stores and construction companies to healthcare providers and e-commerce businesses, the ability to segment financial data by meaningful categories helps improve financial management and strategic decision-making.

If you are ready to leverage the benefits of QuickBooks Online Plus or Advanced for your business, Paygration is here to help. Get started today by calling us at 866-949-7267 or clicking the link below.

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