QuickBooks Online Invoicing Mistakes to Avoid 

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Paygration, Inc.

Invoicing is a critical part of any business’s financial workflow, and QuickBooks Online invoicing offers a powerful platform to manage this process efficiently. However, even with robust tools at your disposal, common mistakes can lead to delays, errors, and missed payments. These mistakes not only disrupt cash flow but also strain relationships with clients. 

Whether you’re new to QuickBooks Online invoicing or have been using it for years, it’s easy to fall into certain traps that can complicate your workflow. Let’s discuss some of the most common mistakes businesses make when invoicing through QuickBooks Online and how you can avoid them to keep your business finances on track.

Not Using Payment Integrations

By not taking advantage of payment integration, you miss out on the ability to streamline the payment process, from invoicing to reconciliation. This lack of automation can create bottlenecks in your cash flow, making it harder to stay on top of your financial obligations.

When you integrate payments, clients can pay directly from their invoices with just a few clicks, which makes the payment process more convenient and encourages timely payments. Without this feature, you might find yourself chasing after payments or dealing with clients who are frustrated by a cumbersome payment process. 

Integration also simplifies your accounting by automatically syncing payment data with your QuickBooks account, reducing the need for manual data entry and ensuring that your records are always accurate and up to date. By not using payment integration, you’re not only adding unnecessary steps to your workflow but also risking errors that can affect your financial stability.

Not Using The New QuickBooks Online Invoicing Tool

QuickBooks Online is now using a new invoicing format where you can see the final version of your invoice as you input the information. This way, you will be able to easily customize your invoice based on your unique needs without having to repeatedly selecting the preview button. Learn more about the new invoice experience in QuickBooks Online.

New invoicing experience in QuickBooks Online

Not Setting Up Custom Invoice Templates

Using generic templates is one of the most common mistakes businesses make with QuickBooks Online invoicing. While QuickBooks provides default templates, failing to customize them can make your invoices look unprofessional and may not reflect your brand identity. Customizing your invoice templates allows you to include your company’s logo, contact information, and specific payment terms, which helps establish a professional image and clear communication with clients.

Moreover, tailored templates can include necessary details that reduce the chances of confusion or disputes. By clearly stating payment terms, due dates, and accepted payment methods, you minimize the risk of clients overlooking important information, leading to faster payment collection.

Neglecting to Set Payment Terms

Another common mistake in QuickBooks Online invoicing is not clearly defining payment terms on your invoices. Payment terms set the expectations for when payments are due and any penalties for late payments. Without clear terms, clients may assume they have more time to pay, leading to delays in receiving payments.

Including payment terms such as “Net 30” or “Due on receipt” on your invoices ensures that clients understand their obligations from the start. You can also use QuickBooks Online invoicing to automatically apply late fees to overdue invoices, encouraging timely payments and improving your cash flow.

Overlooking Invoice Tracking

Failing to track your invoices is another mistake that can lead to cash flow issues. QuickBooks Online invoicing offers tools to monitor the status of your invoices, from when they are sent to when they are paid. Ignoring these features can result in overdue payments going unnoticed, which can hurt your business financially.

By regularly checking the status of your invoices, you can follow up promptly with clients who haven’t paid yet. This proactive approach helps ensure that your cash flow remains steady and that you aren’t left chasing payments long after they are due.

Failing to Automate Recurring Invoices

If your business provides services or products on a subscription basis, manually creating invoices each billing cycle can be time-consuming and prone to errors. One of the key features of QuickBooks Online invoicing is the ability to automate recurring invoices. Failing to utilize this feature can lead to missed invoices or delays in sending them out, which in turn can disrupt your cash flow.

Automation ensures that your clients receive their invoices on time, every time, without you having to lift a finger. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors that can occur with manual entry. Additionally, automated invoices help maintain a consistent billing cycle, making it easier for both you and your clients to manage finances.

Making an invoice recurring in QuickBooks Online (Source: QuickBooks)

Not Sending Invoices Promptly

Delays in sending out invoices can result in delayed payments. Even if you have provided excellent service, failing to send an invoice promptly sends the wrong message to your clients. QuickBooks Online invoicing makes it easy to generate and send invoices quickly, so there’s no reason to delay this crucial step in the payment process.

Timely invoicing shows professionalism and sets the tone for the payment process. Clients are more likely to pay on time if they receive their invoices shortly after the service or product is delivered. Setting up reminders in QuickBooks can also help ensure that you don’t forget to send out invoices as soon as the work is completed.

Inaccurate Invoice Details

Mistakes in invoice details, such as incorrect pricing, descriptions, or quantities, can lead to disputes and delays in payment. QuickBooks Online invoicing allows you to double-check and review all the details before sending the invoice, but rushing through this step can result in errors that could have been avoided.

Taking the time to review each invoice ensures that all the information is accurate, which builds trust with your clients and speeds up the payment process. It also prevents the back-and-forth communication that often accompanies invoice disputes, saving both you and your client valuable time.

Learn how to create and send invoices in QuickBooks Online.

Ignoring Sales Tax

Forgetting to include sales tax on your invoices can result in undercharging your clients and complicating your tax reporting. QuickBooks Online invoicing offers features to automatically calculate and apply sales tax, ensuring that you stay compliant with tax regulations.

By setting up the correct tax rates in QuickBooks, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your invoices are accurate. This is especially important if you operate in multiple regions with varying tax rates, as QuickBooks can handle these complexities for you.

Not Offering Multiple Payment Options

Limiting your clients to just one payment method can slow down the payment process. QuickBooks Online invoicing allows you to offer multiple payment options, including credit cards, ACH, and PayPal. Failing to provide these options can frustrate clients and lead to delays in receiving payments.

Offering a variety of payment methods makes it easier for clients to pay promptly, which improves your cash flow. It also enhances the client experience by providing them with the flexibility to choose the payment method that works best for them.

Forgetting to Send Payment Reminders

Clients may forget to pay their invoices on time, especially if they have many invoices to manage. Failing to send payment reminders through QuickBooks Online invoicing can result in unnecessary delays in receiving payments.

Setting up automated payment reminders in QuickBooks ensures that clients are nudged to pay their invoices without you having to follow up manually. This not only saves you time but also increases the likelihood of receiving payments on time.

Not Using Invoice Reports

QuickBooks Online invoicing provides detailed reports that give you insights into your invoicing performance. Ignoring these reports means missing out on valuable data that can help you improve your invoicing process. For example, you can track which clients consistently pay late and adjust your payment terms accordingly.

By regularly reviewing these reports, you can identify patterns and make informed decisions to optimize your invoicing strategy. This proactive approach helps you stay ahead of potential issues and ensures that your invoicing process is as efficient as possible.


Invoicing mistakes can lead to delays in payments, strained client relationships, and unnecessary stress. If you want smooth invoicing without all the issues and mistakes, our experts at Paygration are here to help. We can set up QuickBooks Online invoicing with the right payment integration to ensure your process is streamlined and error-free. To get started, call 866-949-7267 or click the link below for a demo with one of our experts.

QuickBooks Online Payments Integration

Ready to save time, money and get paid faster?

Schedule a free 30 minute demo and learn how to:

  • Automate payments and receivables in QuickBooks Online.
  • Reduce payment processing costs by up to 92%.
  • Eliminate past due invoices and collections

Just click the free demo button below and we will get you scheduled or you can call us direct at 866-949-7267

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