Accounting Software, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks Online

Will QuickBooks Online Be The Only Version Of QuickBooks Left?

Businesswoman exploring the QuickBooks accounting suite

Now that QuickBooks Pro and Premier will be discontinued after July 31, 2024, many businesses are questioning the future of QuickBooks products. This decision marks a significant shift in the landscape of accounting software, urging businesses to consider transitioning to cloud-based solutions or exploring other QuickBooks offerings.

QuickBooks Desktop Pro and Premier have been popular tools for many small and medium-sized businesses, providing robust accounting features. However, with the discontinuation date set, users must plan their migration strategies carefully. The transition to QuickBooks Online offers numerous benefits, including real-time access to financial data, enhanced collaboration, and automatic updates.

Despite these changes, QuickBooks Online will not be the sole version of QuickBooks available. Intuit continues to offer other powerful solutions, such as QuickBooks Enterprise and various QuickBooks Online products, to meet the diverse needs of businesses. These alternatives ensure that companies can still access robust accounting features tailored to their specific requirements.

What is QuickBooks Enterprise?

QuickBooks Enterprise is a comprehensive accounting software solution designed for larger businesses and those with more complex accounting needs. It offers advanced features such as enhanced reporting, inventory management, and customizable user roles. QuickBooks Enterprise supports up to 40 users, making it suitable for growing companies that require a scalable and powerful financial management tool.

When to Use QuickBooks Enterprise

Advanced Inventory Management

QuickBooks Enterprise provides sophisticated inventory management capabilities, ideal for businesses with large inventories or multiple warehouse locations. It offers real-time inventory tracking, barcode scanning, and advanced reporting features to streamline inventory processes and improve accuracy.

Customizable Reporting

For businesses that require detailed and customizable financial reports, QuickBooks Enterprise is an excellent choice. It offers over 200 built-in reports and the ability to create custom reports tailored to specific business needs. This level of detail helps businesses make informed decisions based on accurate and comprehensive financial data.

Enhanced User Permissions

QuickBooks Enterprise allows for advanced user permissions, enabling businesses to control access to sensitive financial information. Customizable user roles ensure that employees only access the data necessary for their job functions, enhancing security and reducing the risk of data breaches.


As businesses grow, their accounting needs become more complex. QuickBooks Enterprise supports up to 40 users, making it a scalable solution for companies experiencing rapid growth. Its advanced features and flexibility ensure that it can adapt to the evolving needs of a growing business.

Industry-Specific Solutions

QuickBooks Enterprise offers industry-specific editions tailored to various sectors, including manufacturing, wholesale, nonprofit, and professional services. These specialized editions provide features and reports designed to address the unique challenges and requirements of different industries, ensuring a more customized and effective accounting solution.

Advanced Pricing Controls

For businesses needing more control over their pricing strategies, QuickBooks Enterprise offers advanced pricing controls. This feature allows you to create complex pricing rules based on customer, item, quantity, or other criteria, ensuring flexible and precise pricing strategies that can drive profitability and customer satisfaction.

Batch Invoicing and Processing

QuickBooks Enterprise excels at handling high-volume transactions. The batch invoicing and processing feature allows businesses to send multiple invoices simultaneously, reducing administrative workload and increasing efficiency. This is particularly beneficial for companies with a large customer base or those that frequently process bulk transactions.

Learn which QuickBooks Enterprise version is right for you.

If you would like to try the full version of QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop, click here to get a free, 30-day no-commitment trial plus access to the Resource Guide that lists all the features available in Enterprise.

What is QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks Online is a cloud-based accounting software designed to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses. It provides users with the ability to access their financial data from anywhere, at any time, using any internet-connected device. QuickBooks Online offers features such as invoicing, expense tracking, bank reconciliation, and financial reporting, all designed to streamline accounting processes and improve financial management.

Explore the benefits of moving to QuickBooks Online and cloud accounting.

When to Use QuickBooks Online

Remote Access and Collaboration

QuickBooks Online is ideal for businesses that require remote access to their financial data and need to collaborate with team members or accountants in real time. Its cloud-based nature allows users to log in from any location, facilitating seamless collaboration and ensuring everyone stays updated.

Automatic Updates and Backups

For businesses that prefer not to manage software updates and data backups manually, QuickBooks Online offers a significant advantage. It automatically updates to the latest version, ensuring users always have access to new features and security enhancements. Additionally, automatic data backups protect your financial information without any additional effort on your part.

Integration with Third-Party Apps

QuickBooks Online integrates with a wide range of third-party applications, making it suitable for businesses looking to enhance their accounting software’s functionality. Whether you need CRM tools, e-commerce solutions, or payroll services, QuickBooks Online’s extensive app marketplace allows you to customize the platform to meet your specific business needs.

Simplified Multi-User Access

For businesses needing to provide access to multiple users, QuickBooks Online offers simplified user management. You can easily set up and manage user permissions, ensuring that each team member has access to the necessary data and functions. This feature supports collaboration while maintaining control over sensitive financial information.

Cost-Effective Solution

QuickBooks Online is a cost-effective solution for small to medium-sized businesses. With various subscription plans available, you can choose the one that best fits your budget and business requirements. The flexibility in pricing allows businesses to start with a basic plan and upgrade as their needs grow, ensuring cost efficiency over time.

Tip: If you want to get the full benefits of QuickBooks Online, you should consider the Advanced plan.

If you would like to try the full version of QuickBooks Online Advanced, click here to get a free 30-day no-commitment trial plus access to the full video training library.


For businesses looking to leverage the benefits of QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Enterprise, contact Paygration for discounts, free consultations, and ongoing support. Our team of experienced QuickBooks consultants will be glad to handle the setup and customization process, ensuring that you get the most out of your accounting software. Get started by calling 866-949-7267 or clicking the link below.